If you have lots of time in the world, you can of course, search the internet seven days a week for lots of free and generously shared information on making money online. What if you do not have the time (say, you've got a full-time job, five kids, and a schedule of household chores). But, you still want a quick overview of how to make money online?
You can get the knowledge you need at a fraction of a cost of an internet marketing seminar by investing in e-books by these internet marketing gurus. Successful internet marketers leave clues of their success. Selling e-books is part of their online branding and marketing strategy. For an online novice, I think it's a cheap way to learn.
The very first e-book which I bought was Autopilot Profits.
It's reasonably priced at $27 (vs the $3 to 5K for in-demand IM seminar). It's a quick and easy way to learn more about creating an online income before you plunge in.
I have no regrets.
Autopilot Profits tells you in seven chapters, 59 pages, what you need to know and steps you need to take to start earning money from the internet. It's clear from the e-book that you need to know the system and have a plan to be successful online.
If you're new to the world of making online profits and a computer idiot like me, Autopilot Profits offers a risk free way of learning (and trying out) how to make money online.
![Make Money Online with Autopilot Profits](http://www.lifebridgescom.com/Images/autopbundlemed.jpg)
The e-book shows you the steps to:
- Find a hungry niche market with three free tools
- Search for free products to promote to your selected niche market
- Set up your online business without having to own your own product or website
- Generate traffic to your website using ten proven methods
- Start making money online straightaway with one existing hot selling product
Now, you won’t be earning big bucks straight away. You can't with one website. And you don’t become an overnight internet millionaire with the help of one e-book.
What Autopilot Profits does offer is a very good introduction and clear overall view of the steps needed to start making money online. So when you're ready to create an online income, you know where to start (so don't fire your boss yet).
If you're a not-so-new internet marketer, Autopilot Profits will probably tell you what you already know plus maybe, a few new insights like using eBay to drive traffic.
So, is Autopilot Profits a good value-for-money for a complete computer idiot?
This is how it has worked for me:
- I've created a targeted blog website at no cost.
- I've set up a ClickBank Affiliate Account (and did the 'link cloaking' as instructed to stop bad hats from stealing sales (!). Yes, unfortunately, it happens.
- I've used the recommended keyword search tools extensively to find the right keywords
- I'm now experimenting on some of the traffic generation strategies.
Autopilot Profits has a 8-week Money Back Guarantee.
Get a free report on "The Big System to Making Real Money On The Internet" by clicking on the images on this post. Skip the sales pitch if you dislike marketing hyperbole - and scroll down to the point when you can just order the e-book.
Review of Autopilot Profits - a practical starter kit, for computer idiots like me.
Special Bonus: Learn how to drive massive traffic to your new blog or website. Get a FREE E-Book on Viral Traffic Generation Tips(valued at $27) when you order Autopilot Profits from the links here.
To claim your free e-book, email your FULL NAME, FULL EMAIL ADDRESS, RECEIPT NUMBER of product purchase (issued by Clickbank) and send to autopilotconfirmation. You'll get your special bonus as soon as it is verified that you've made the order from the links here.
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